Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Death Of The Video Store

With such luxurys as Time Warner Cable On Demand, Netflix, redbox and other such services it is sad to think of all the family owned video rental stores that just cant compete. I remember back in the day the excitement of going to the video store and renting some sweet vids with my Mom. Not to mention the mysterious back room with the door holding a sign that read "ADULTS ONLY". Many chain video stores still stand strong however with the recent dip in the economy they too have suffered. I still enjoy browsing the aisles looking for the perfect movie to end the day and i will continue to do this until they are all gone.

LOST! Best Show Ever?

Unlike many LOST fans, I got into the series pretty late. I started watching after my cousin loaned me the DVDs last year. Right after the first episode i was hooked! And now the twists and turns of the island wont let me go! I believe that this show is so grat because so many characters are lovable as well as hate-able! Ask any Lost fan what their favorite character is and you will most likely enter a heated debate over how Sayid is the most bad ass man that ever lived! (come on dont lie to yourself, hes boss) With the final season rapidly approaching I cant wait to see what the island has in store for the Oceanic Six and friends!

The Comedic Stylings of Jesse Eisenberg

You may know him from such motion pictures as The Squid and the Whale, The Village and more recently Adventureland and Zombieland. Eisenberg has emerged with a style much like Michael Cera, geeky and alkward. I personalty find it hard to pick a favorite both act very well and play in movies that I love! Jesse's fame continues to grow and im very excited to see what he will do next.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Top 5 Movies I Cant Wait To See

2009 turned out to be a pretty good year for movies. However ther are still many movies i cant wai to see!!

Gentlemen Broncoes, from the director of Napoleon Dynamite looks absolutely hilarious!

Finally a Holmes film. Looks amazing!Robert Downey Jr. , who could ask for more?

The Wolfman! I don't know much about this one but it looks intense!

Being a DiCaprio fan I gotta see this one! I love mystery thrillers an this is right up my ally.

The Crazies, a remake. Looks like an all around good zombie movie!

Friday, October 23, 2009

I Ain't Afraid Of No Ghosts!

So last week me and some buddy's went out to see Paranormal Activity.
I was very excited to see this movie, I even demanded it online. I went in the the theater expecting this film to be the most horrifying movie EVER! My mistake, i left very disappointed.
Yes the movie had some freaky parts but it laked any real scares.

We've all seen Blare Witch Project right? Well if you want to see it again see this movie.

Go see it for yourself whatever. Its not worth ten dollars.